This was reported in Telegram by the chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament's Committee on Financial Issues, Daniil Getmantsev.
According to him, the top 10 export positions include:
- Cereals — 15.8% ($3,917.8 million);
- Animal or vegetable fats and oils — 13.6% ($3,374.8 million);
- Seeds and fruits of oilseeds — 9.7% ($2,408.6 million);
- Electrical machines — 8.4% ($2,084.8 million);
- Ferrous metals — 8.1% ($2,005.0 million);
- Ores, slag, and ash — 6.6% ($1,642.0 million);
- Wood and wooden products — 4.8% ($1,200.2 million);
- Food industry residues and waste — 3.3% ($815.7 million);
- Furniture — 3.3% ($814.8 million);
- Products made of ferrous metals — 2.4% ($586.4 million).