
How much funding did Ukraine secure in October: both external and internal contributions?

Сколько средств Украина получила в октябре: внутренние и внешние поступления.

This was reported by Yaroslav Zheleznyak, the deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on financial issues.

According to the MP, internal resources have managed to attract 230 billion UAH (even a bit more, taking privatization into account). Of this amount:

  • customs: +54 billion UAH. This is -13% of the plan (-8.1 billion);
  • taxation: +68.9 billion UAH. This is +0.5% of the plan (+0.3 billion UAH);
  • government bonds: +107 billion UAH.

External assistance for October amounts to $1.4 billion (or 57.7 billion UAH): IMF $1.1 billion and Canada $300 million.