
Some Ukrainians may receive 16,000 UAH in aid: under what conditions?

Некоторые украинцы могут претендовать на помощь в размере 16 000 грн. Узнайте, при каких условиях это возможно.

As part of the new project, veterans with disabilities can receive 16,000 hryvnias in financial assistance. This applies to adult Ukrainians who have the status of a person with a disability due to war in groups I or II, and whose information has been entered into the Unified State Register of War Veterans.

Such individuals will be able to receive the financial assistance in a single payment to the applicant's bank account, amounting to 4,000 hryvnias per month. Payments will be made over a period of 4 months, regardless of any other types of assistance they may receive.