
The NBU will conduct stress tests for 21 banks next year.

В следующем году НБУ проведет стресс-тестирование 21 банка.

The restoration of the standard annual resilience assessment is a crucial step towards enhancing the financial sector's ability to effectively address existing and potential challenges. This also forms part of the commitments outlined in agreements with international partners, particularly within the framework of the Memorandum on Economic and Financial Policies with the IMF and Ukraine's Plan for implementing the EU Financial Support Program, Ukraine Facility.

The resilience assessment in 2025 will be conducted in accordance with the standard procedure defined in the Regulation on the Resilience Assessment of Banks and the Banking System of Ukraine. Additionally, the specifics outlined in the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine dated December 16, 2024, No. 149, which establishes rules for the resilience assessment in 2025, will also be taken into account.

According to the approved concept, the resilience assessment of banks and the banking system in 2025 will be carried out in three stages. The first stage will involve an asset quality review (AQR) conducted by independent auditors as of January 1, 2025. The next stage will be the extrapolation of results for all banks (if necessary). The final stage will consist of stress testing for the largest banks based on baseline and adverse macroeconomic scenarios, determining the required levels of capital adequacy ratios.