
The National Bank of Ukraine has revoked the licenses of two financial institutions.

НБУ отменил лицензии у двух финансовых учреждений.

Licenses for the operations of financial companies have been revoked based on their own applications from the following institutions:

  • LLC "Finkapital Group" (EGRPOU 43539040) — license to provide factoring financial services;
  • LLC "Sandora" (EGRPOU 22430008) — license to provide financial leasing services.

Additionally, in accordance with paragraph 826 of Chapter 76 of Section XII of the Regulation on the Authorization of Financial Services Providers and the Conditions for Their Provision, approved by the resolution of the National Bank of Ukraine's Board dated 29.12.2023 No. 199 (with amendments), LLC "Finkapital Group" and LLC "Sandora" have been removed from the State Register of Financial Institutions due to the revocation of their licenses for the provision of financial services.

Furthermore, based on its own application, LLC "Asap Finance" (EGRPOU 43586698) has received approval for an amendment to the scope of its financial company license, specifically excluding the financial leasing service.