This is mentioned in the material from Novini.LIVE.
Let’s examine the main violations for which individual entrepreneurs face significant fines.
Tax Evasion
Evading tax obligations can lead to serious consequences for entrepreneurs. In addition to fines, debts may incur penalties, and in some cases, even criminal liability.
According to the Tax Code of Ukraine, late contributions to the state budget incur the following fines:
- 10% of the debt amount — for a delay of up to 30 calendar days;
- 20% of the debt amount — for a delay exceeding 30 calendar days.
If signs of intentional tax evasion are detected, the fine increases:
- 25% of the debt amount for the first violation;
- 50% of the debt amount for a repeated violation within three years.
In addition to the fine, entrepreneurs are charged a penalty calculated using the formula:
debt × NBU interest rate ÷ 365 days × number of days overdue
In cases of significant tax debt, criminal penalties may apply:
- more than 1,080,000 UAH — imprisonment for up to three years;
- more than 3,240,000 UAH — imprisonment for up to five years.