
Ukrzaliznytsia will increase prices for certain tickets.

Укрзалізниця увеличит стоимость ряда билетов.

Ukrzaliznytsia announced this in their Telegram.

“Starting February 1, Ukrzaliznytsia will reduce discounts on international trains to Poland and Hungary. However, the discount rates for trains to Austria and Moldova will remain unchanged,” the company stated.

Previously, to promote its international routes, Ukrzaliznytsia negotiated special discounts with the railways of neighboring countries. However, due to a significant increase in costs for materials and energy resources, the company is forced to gradually reassess these discounts. Last year, losses from passenger transportation reached 18 billion UAH, making it increasingly challenging to maintain preferential tariffs.

As a result, the ticket prices for trains to Poland will rise due to the reduced discounts:

  • in first-class Intercity+ and SV cars — by 20-27%;
  • in compartment cars — by 9-27%.

Additionally, the fare for the most popular international trains will increase due to the reduced discounts:

  • Kiev — Warsaw — by 37%;
  • Kiev — Budapest — by 17% in SV cars and by 21% in compartment cars.