This was announced by the company's CEO, Igor Smelyansky, in his Telegram.
“Soon it will be almost 1000 days since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, and each of these days has been a day of dignity and freedom as Ukraine fights for its independence. Of course, this struggle began earlier, and that is why on November 21, we will celebrate the Day of Dignity and Freedom together,” Smelyansky writes. “In honor of this day, Ukrposhta will officially release a stamp that will become a significant addition to the collection that our philatelists have managed to gather during the war. Because every detail of it literally breathes the history of Ukraine.”
The collection is dedicated to the events that have transformed us and our country, shaping our future direction.
“This includes the Orange Revolution in 2004 and the Revolution of Dignity in 2013. It reflects our aspiration for freedom, independence, and territorial integrity, which remain the unchanging values for which we are still fighting. We simply have no other choice,” Smelyansky writes.