
Ukrainians can receive a micro-grant of up to $4,000 to help restore their businesses.

Украинцы имеют возможность получить микрогрант до $4000 для восстановления своего бизнеса.

This is mentioned in the article on the Diya Business page.

The project for providing micro-grants offers the opportunity to receive funding of:

  • up to $1,000 for micro and small enterprises (individual entrepreneurs and legal entities) with an average number of employees during the reporting period (calendar year) not exceeding 1 person or those not employing hired labor; as well as for individuals from among internally displaced persons (provided that the business is registered after the announcement of the competition results and before the grant agreement is signed), who implement a business idea aimed at restoring income sources;
  • up to $4,000 for micro and small enterprises (individual entrepreneurs and legal entities) with an average number of employees during the reporting period (calendar year) of at least 2 and not exceeding 50 people.

Grant funds can be used for: asset restoration, salaries for new positions (no more than 30% of the grant amount), rent, and similar expenses.

The initiative also includes:

  • business training and training on the social component in business (mandatory participation);
  • mentoring support for business development from experienced experts;
  • psychological support for grant recipients and their family members;
  • community meetings to enhance social integration and cohesion, and similar activities.