
A Ukrainian pharmaceutical brand is entering the Pakistani market.

Украинский фармацевтический бренд запускает свою продукцию в Пакистане.

The company's press service reported this, according to delo.ua.

The first product introduced in this market was an injectable medication for general anesthesia, which was also registered in the United Kingdom this year.

It is noted that the expansion into the Pakistani market was a result of the efforts of the Farmak International Middle East & Africa team, which is actively working to strengthen the company's presence in the region.

In December 2024, Farmak also announced its entry into the Jordanian market. Overall, the company's products are exported to more than 60 countries worldwide, including 15 EU countries, as well as nations in Central and South America, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Australia.

At the end of December, Farmak opened a representative office in Chișinău, the capital of Moldova. This decision is part of the company's corporate strategy to expand its presence in international markets.