
Ukraine is set to sell Sense Bank and a portion of Ukrnafta, according to the Ministry of Economy.

Минэкономики Украины сообщает о готовности продать Sense Bank и долю в «Укрнафте».

This was reported by the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Yulia Svyrydenko in an interview for Forbes.

According to Svyrydenko, Ukraine presented clear and specific projects during this year's economic forum in Davos.

“We are ready to privatize Sense Bank, as well as consider the possibility of selling a stake in ‘Ukrnafta’, which is in dire need of modernization,” Svyrydenko stated.

Discussions regarding 'Ukrnafta' are in the initial stages, noted Yulia Svyrydenko. She also mentioned that the government is exploring the option of transferring the port of ‘Chornomorsk’ into a concession under a public-private partnership.