
Scientists have developed unique floating solar panels that stand out for their innovative design and efficiency.

Ученые разработали уникальные плавучие солнечные панели. Чем они отличаются от традиционных?

Researchers from Jiangsu University of Science and Technology in China have developed a floating photovoltaic system that offers high stability and excellent waterproofing performance. It consists of a series of floating pontoons and a truss framework for solar panels.

“Our work has made significant progress in understanding the hydrodynamic responses of the new marine floating photovoltaic system (FPV), which is designed to optimize performance and stability in challenging marine conditions,” said study author Shen Xu.

To assess the hydrodynamic characteristics, the researchers utilized a 1:20 scale model, which was tested in the university's wave pool under both regular and irregular wave conditions. The results indicated that the new FPV system can withstand waves up to 4 meters high.