
Some Ukrainians will face pension restrictions: who will be affected?

Некоторым украинцам снизят пенсии: кто окажется под ударом?

According to the new regulation outlined in the State Budget for 2025, pensions cannot exceed four times the average pension payments across the country or ten times the minimum subsistence level for disabled individuals (based on the 2025 rates, this amounts to 23,610 hryvnias).

These changes are aimed at reducing the disparity between standard pensions and special pensions, which currently far exceed the payments for most Ukrainians and can even reach up to 100,000 hryvnias.

To limit pensions, decreasing coefficients will be applied: the higher the amount of payments, the greater the coefficient. At the same time, the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine has assured that pensions formed through insurance contributions will not be reduced.