
Some Ukrainians may qualify for a "second pension." Who is eligible for this benefit?

Некоторые украинцы могут оформить «вторую пенсию». Узнайте, кто имеет на это право.

Who Will Receive a Double Pension

State assistance will be provided to individuals with disabilities from childhood, as well as to children with disabilities, reports 24 Kanal citing the Department of Social Protection in Sumy.

The program includes payments for:

  • caregivers of individuals with disabilities;
  • guardians of single individuals with disabilities;
  • parents of children with disabilities who are on parental leave or unemployed.

The amount of assistance depends on the recipient's category.

Note! The highest payments will be granted to individuals with disabilities in group I, subgroup A, and to children aged 6 to 18 years with additional allowances. Additionally, non-working family members may receive an extra pension, the amount of which will depend on the family's composition.

New Pension Retirement Rules

Moreover, the conditions for retirement in Ukraine have changed. To receive a pension at the age of 60, one must have at least 32 years of insurance experience. If the experience is less, the retirement age increases to 63 or 65 years.