
The NBU aims to revise the regulations for preparing and submitting reports for non-banking institutions.

НБУ намерен обновить правила подготовки и подачи отчетности для небанковских учреждений.

The press service of the regulator reported this.

The amendments to the Rules introduce a change from quarterly to monthly reporting for 12 files submitted by financial companies and pawnshops, specifically:

  • starting from 01.04.2025 (the first submission of monthly reports as of 01.05.2025) for the following files: LRF04 "Data on receivables and payables," LRF05 "Data on cash and cash equivalents," LRF06 "Data on subordinated debt," LRF07 "Data on attracted funds," LRF08 "Data on investment structure";
  • starting from 01.07.2025 (the first submission of monthly reports as of 01.08.2025) for the following files: LRG01 "Data on contracts and operations related to guarantees," LRG02 "Data on the portfolio of liabilities for provided guarantees," LRI01 "Data on contracts and operations related to factoring," LRL01 "Data on contracts and operations related to financial leasing," LRN01 "Data on large risks of the financial company regarding guarantees," LRN02 "Data on compensations and precious metals," LRR01 "Data on contracts and operations related to provided loans."