
The NBU has adjusted the volume of licenses for seven non-banking institutions.

НБУ скорректировал количество лицензий для семи небанковских учреждений.

The financial service "financial leasing" has been removed from the licenses of the following institutions:

  • LLC "FC Royal Finance 1" (EGRPOU 43105522);
  • LLC "FC Atlana" (EGRPOU 42714783);
  • LLC "Credit Company" (EGRPOU 41888348);
  • LLC "FC Kongur" (EGRPOU 41962174);
  • LLC "FC Omega Finance" (EGRPOU 42436323);
  • LLC "FC Finako" (EGRPOU 43255973);
  • LLC "FC Fraser" (EGRPOU 42013017).