
The Pension Fund demands a Kyiv resident, who was employed while receiving a pension, to repay 14,697 hryvnias – the court's decision.

ПФУ требует от киевлянина вернуть 14 697 гривен, так как он работал и одновременно получал пенсию. Каково решение суда?

A man was receiving a pension as an unemployed retiree. Insurance contributions were paid on his behalf, but he did not inform the Pension Fund about his employment. The Pension Fund of Ukraine is demanding that the citizen return 14,697 hryvnias. This is stated in the decision of the Desnyansky District Court of Kyiv, published on January 13, 2025.

The man is registered with the Main Department of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in Kyiv, receiving a pension in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Pension Provision." He applied to the Main Department of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in Kyiv, based on which his pension was granted on September 29, 2020, as an unemployed retiree. The Main Department of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in Kyiv discovered, based on the registry of insured individuals from the State Register of Mandatory State Social Insurance, that starting from June 2022, insurance contributions were paid for him, but he did not inform the Pension Fund about his employment. To resolve the dispute regarding the reimbursement of overpaid funds amounting to 14,697 hryvnias, a letter No. 2600-0502-8/163346 was sent to the man on December 9, 2022, requesting the voluntary return of the funds; however, this letter was ignored, and the plaintiff was subsequently forced to file a lawsuit with the aforementioned claim.

What was the court's decision?

The court granted the claim. The man is to return the unjustly received funds (pension) amounting to 14,697 hryvnias to the Main Department of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in Kyiv.

"The return of overpaid pension amounts entails the recovery of those amounts if such overpayment occurred due to the fault of the retiree, namely, due to abuses, particularly in cases of providing false information or failing to provide relevant information at all. Considering the above, the defendant failed to fulfill his obligation to timely notify the plaintiff about his employment, resulting in the unjust receipt of funds amounting to 14,697 hryvnias; therefore, the claims should be fully satisfied," the court emphasized.